U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will issue glyphosate initial risk assessment

发布时间:2016-05-14 阅读次数:
    United States Environmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA) has been completed review of the safety of glyphosate, will be in not later than July released much expectation of glyphosate preliminary risk assessment. After the initial risk assessment is released, the agency will launch a public comment, and then draft the final legal proposal.
    The World Health Organization's cancer research agency in March announced "glyphosate may be carcinogenic in humans", in public hot debate of the product safety, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) re evaluated the effects of glyphosate on human health and the environment.
    Preliminary risk assessment is expected to lead to widespread public interest and review, said Jones Jim, an office of the EPA's office of chemical safety and pollution prevention. But it declined to provide details about the EPA's conclusions.
Glyphosate is a popular and widely used genetically modified corn, canola and soybean in the global sales of Roundup herbicides and more than 700 other products. Monsanto's Roundup last year from glyphosate obtained revenue of about $5 billion. At the same time, Monsanto and other agricultural companies are developing bio pesticide, these products including plants and soil microorganisms and other natural biological rather than chemical synthesis, and is seen as a part of alternatives to conventional pesticides.
    Jones Jim said the United States Environmental Protection Agency to encourage the development of such products as compared to traditional pesticides for human health and the environment is more favorable. In general, the approval time of biological pesticides within 1 years, and the approval of pesticides containing synthetic chemicals requires 2 to 3 years. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has approved more than 430 kinds of biological active ingredients for pesticides; in 2012, the use of biological pesticides in agriculture up to 4 million 100 thousand pounds, 900 thousand pounds higher than in 2000. If the biological pesticides continue to maintain substantial growth, in some extent, it will catch up with synthetic chemicals.

"Source: China Pesticide Information network"


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