Yuan Ning, Deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and his entourage to Fengle agrochemical inspect and guid work

发布时间:2017-10-13 阅读次数:

        Forenoon on December 28th, Yuan Ning, deputy director of Hefei SASAC, Zhang Qingwei, director of Property Management, Xiang Biao, director of Non - operating state - owned assets management office and Wang Xiang, expert of SASAC system security to Fengle Agrochemical for checking safe work, accompanied by Sheng Lianghong, deputy general manager of Fengle Seed and responsible person of Fengle Agrochemical.

        Deputy director Yuan Ning and his entourage to the Fengle Agrochemical plant site to view the safety of production, visit product showroom, and held security meeting. At the meeting, responsible person of Fengle reported the safety work in 2016 and safety work plan in 2017, introduced the production and management situation, development plan and work method. Fengle reform and innovation in the establishment of performance appraisal mechanism, promotion of 3S management system, implementation of Ameba management, upgrade of production automation, construction of enterprise information and safety standaration, continue strength management in 2017, enhance the level of essential security, improve business performance. Mr. Wang said, the security management of Fengle Agrochemical is overall good, proposed rectification proposals in part of site, asked to do a good job of enterprise safety production dynamic management, strengthen the responsibility and put it into reality.

       Mr. Yuan stressed that, this is a accident prone period and multiple period, safety work without delay. To learn all kinds of accident lessons, attach great importance to safety work, treat the security check to zero tolerance, full coverage, strict law enforcement, practical. As a state-owned enterprises to bear the due social responsibility, well do safety and environment protection work, put the safety work in reality, to eliminate all the hidden dangers in the bud, ensure the safety production situation is stable.

      Deputy director, Yuan Ning, affirmed Fengle Agrochemical in production and innovation. He said,  the agricultural industry is the sunrise industry, Fengle Agrochemical is an important profit growth point of Fengle Seed, is one of the double main industry, is now in the rise, we must mobilize the enthusiasm of employees through mechanism innovation to promote the company to a better development. At the same time, he agreed the development planning and work initiatives of Fengle Agrochemical, proposed to do business planning, scientific description of the future development of the blueprint.


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